Hi All,
Well what a beautiful day it has been, the sun has been shining all day and the alpacas have loved it, although I must say so have we, its such a great feeling you get when the sun is out and you can feel some warmth on your face.
I managed to get the camera out and grab a few shots in between mucking out and preparing the barns with Lisa ready for the alpacas coming back in tonight, it's great knowing that we have the facilities to bring the alpacas in during the winter months.
Wellground Relentless |
Wellground Relentless is one of our herd sires here at WillowBank. He has really matured into a true gentleman and is a pleasure to have on the headcollar when needed. Relentless is sired by EP Cambridge Samson and his grand sire is EP Cambridge Peruvian Spartacus. Wellground Relentless dam is Wellground Ruffo's Reflection who's grand sire is NWA Ltd Ruffo so as you can see Relentless has some cracking genetics that he is know passing on to his progeny.
Wellground Moody Blue |
Wellground Moody Blue has settled in like he has always been here, making friends and influencing other. Wellground Moody Blue is one of our up and coming herd sires with those fantastic genetics to match. Moody Blue is sired by EP Cambridge Samson with EP Cambridge Peruvian Spartacus as his grand sire. Moody Blues dam is EP Cambridge Adelaide Blue who was sired by EP Cambridge Peruvian Spartacus, so this young man is hopefully going to grow into a cracking herd sire to keep an eye on.
This little one is know one in particular and is nothing really to write home about but he just has a beautiful face and colouring that really stands out, another one for pet lovers out there!
Now we had a lovely surprise over this weekend, one that we were not expecting to have. We had entered a fleece into the Scottish National Fleece Show and we managed a fifth place, now you may say fifth is not that great but after hearing why it was a fifth is a little annoying as it was marked down on skirting. Skirting is something that myself and Lisa always struggle with a little as we are nervous of taking away to much fleece or leaving stuff behind that we shouldn't be and this fifth place is a prime example of not skirting correctly, however we are still pleased knowing that if we had have skirted better we would have received a better position hopefully. Never mind we are still pleased as punch as this fleece has now been shown and placed in two different fleece shows and is from an alpaca we bred ourselves, we'll done WillowBank Little Miss Adelaide, sired by Eringa Park Lionheart and her dam is Wellground Cyan owned by ourselves here at WillowBank.

Thanks to Rob and Les from Wellground Alpaca Stud for popping in on their way home to drop our fleece and rosette off. We are really pleased for you guys can't wait for your blog!
Well that's all for now.