Monday, 24 May 2010
Back To A Dongle!
Well what fantastic weather.......all though I do feel for the Alpacas still having the fleeces on. We are due to have our Alpacas shorn on the 2nd June, so in the meantime we are making sure they have plenty of water and shade should they require it.
So much has been happening here at WillowBank Alpacas, we have been in undated with people enquiring about the "Lamas" and asking questions, Once have informed them that they are Alpacas they are thrilled at what we are doing and have all wished us every success with our business, we are constantly being told that its such a delight to see something different in the village.
I have some pictures of our Alpacas and Lily with the new foal but with using the dongle it seems to be taking for ever to upload the images, so no pictures for now but I am coming up with a plan to sort this out.
We are being connected to BT on the 28th of this months so this is only a temporary hitch with communication.
We have had some interest already in Alpaca sales which is a good start for us, but until this turns into money exchanging you can never say for sure. So we will keep you updated on this progress.
Well that's all for now. enjoy the sunshine.......
Saturday, 8 May 2010
One Week On
Its been a busy first week for us at WillowBank Alpacas, we have been hanging gates and finishing off fencing around the paddocks. All the alpacas have really settled in now and are starting to gain our trust allowing us to get a little closer to them.
We have also settled in nicely in our new home with all the mod cons of central heating and double glazing helps enormously, Lily is so much more settled living on the farm, she really is an outside girl and loves helping Lisa with the alpacas taking the hay down to them and shouting "come on girls"
Our new foal that we had born is growing fast and runs around the paddock like she is in training for the grand national, which is rather amusing when the grass is a little wet and her cornering skills are not the best!
Well unfortunately blogger is not letting me upload any pictures for some reason, so you will have to wait for more pictures, so I will keep it short for today and try again soon.
Take care all.
Monday, 3 May 2010
Trying To Keep Up

Just A Couple Of Hours Old
So as you can see we have had our hands full already, we are just glad that were living here at the time our else it may have been a different story that we are telling......but as it is both mother and daughter are doing just fine.
The Alpacas are really finding there feet today and have explored the paddock allot more finding the field shelter that we built, I thought I might have to bring it to them at one stage.
Well again that's it for now but more adventures from Willowbank Alpacas to come soon.
Saturday, 1 May 2010
An Amazing Couple Of Days

Its on its way
I hope this is going to fit!
I decided a bit more muscle was required

I think it need to come round a bit more.......
Ah.....that's not good
A little bit of moving and half hour later, this looks better
Watch the barn.......Stress levels are going up!
A bit more head scratching and its in
Are home sits on place
Are Alpacas arrive on mass with Roger and Pauline from Pipley Court Alpacas followed by "The Stig" aka Rob from Wellground Alpacas

All the gang settled in very well indeed and are relaxing in the paddocks, we are so excited to be finally up and running as Alpaca breeders. So watch this space for more pictures of our busy couple of days and more information on how WillowBank Alpacas are going to expand its herd and grow its business over the next few years, our website is not far from being completed so we will inform you when that's all up and running with some exciting features.
Oh, of course I couldn't blog without at least putting a picture of our new gang, so here they are enjoying the sunshine.