Well after not much happening in the early part of the week, to a hectic morning today. It all started with Lily going to her grandma's for the morning, leaving myself and Lisa going down the farm to meet the farrier and to muck the stables out.
We tend to compare notes with the farrier to whats changed on the farm the last time he came, this time round it was the fact that we had moved house and are now in rented. Hopefully next time he comes we will be living on the farm!
It was then the turn of our 2 field shelters being delivered, this guy had been on the road since 4am this morning and its now 11.20, oh dear a big crash on the motorway held him up, but he was still in good spirits.

It doesn't look much, but it was heavy!
We had just about unloaded the trailer when my phone rang with a guy on the other end with a very strong Gordie accent asking for directions to our farm, it turned out he was just 30seconds up the road, but he insisted on staying on the phone and me directing him to the farm.
Now this guy could talk for England, a real nice guy but does he ever take a breath for air I ask myself. He insisted on telling me how he has put the world to rights on his journey down here and it sounds like he is going to tell me now.
Colin is his name I have established, not that I have got a word in yet, but that's what it says on the back of his hard hat!! Colin is still talking and I have taken to kicking his wheels while I listen some more.

Colin finally finds time to lift off the sewage plant and puts it in front of our barn, we are going to store it in the barn until we are ready to fit it, the green box to the bottom right of the picture is the housing for the air blower which was also supplied with the sewage system, Molly our collie dog is supervising the process.
So Colin was a fantastic character even if he did talk allot, he did inform me as he was leaving that he is actually 62 next week, now this guy was on and off the back of the truck like a yo yo at one point so bring it on for Colin.
Well that's our farm starting to come together, we are off down to EasterWood Alpaca Stud in the morning, so that's all for now.