Hi Folks, Well it's been sometime since our last blog, lets just say that champagne certainly had a kick to it!! Joking aside since our news with getting our planning permission its been none stop. We had visitors constantly for the following three days wishing to congratulate us on our news, people from the village are so pleased for us that we succeeded and that our determination is starting to pay off. So after the visitors stopped coming it was time to move things up a gear and start to promote our business and show we are serious about what we are doing. It's been all go visiting potential customers, making calls, emailing people and working on the website, which is still under construction with lots of hidden pages which are almost ready to be revealed. Along side of the office work, we have been busy with plenty of husbandry jobs with the alpacas, rotating alpacas around the paddocks, muck spreading one of the paddocks and repair works to fences that the horses have damaged but that's another story, so don't get me started on that one!! One of the jobs that we have been desperate to spend more time on, was halter training our stud boy "
Wellground Relentless"
Relentless is due to start working this year and although we had already started training him, it was time to see how much he had remembered. Well he was a little unsure to start off with but after about 5 minutes he settled down and walked like a real pro, strutting his stuff to the girls.
"Relentless" will be available for stud services, subject to bio-security checks. I know this sounds harsh but we are doing everything we can to reduce any risk of infections on our farm, so like minded breeders will I'm sure agree this is a must for any considerate breeder offering stud services. Prices for "
Relentless" will be available soon, this is one of the pages that is hidden on the website at the moment. Now anything that we can do Lily seems to think she can do better..... well as you can see from the picture below, Lily decided that it was time for "Bertie" our Ryeland Ram to be halter trained...... it's a good job that "Bertie" is like a dog and is more than happy to be with you all the time. Lily was last seen disappearing around the paddocks with "Bertie" it was a bit of who was actually leading who......

We have a little break from alpaca births at the moment but that doesn't mean we get any rest as we are up throughout the night checking our sheep which are due to lamb any day now. Our alpaca birth start again in May so just as the sheep are finishing the alpacas will be starting again.
That's all for now, but I must try and find more time to keep the blog up to date.