Well after a kick up the rear from an email.....you know who you are!! we have finally managed to find time to update the blog. I really need to put more time aside to keep this updated, it's no excuse but with the commitments of my full time job and longer hours being required from me the blog has been the last thing on our minds. However we are going to try and get back in the flow of blogging and catch up again of whats going on with you all.
No saying that, I have actually had a week off from work this last week and have managed to get so many jobs completed around the farm. Lisa has been a star and has kept the farm running whilst I continue with my other work commitments, it's a good job she is as understanding as she is. We have finally completed fencing off the rest of the land and created more paddocks allowing us to manage the land better and rotate the alpacas onto fresh grass every few weeks, it's so satisfying to finally see the land completely fenced how we originally had planned, a good job done and ticked off.

We have know separated another up and coming stud "WillowBank Prime Contender". WillowBank Prime Contender is sired by Wellground Close Encounter and his dam is Wellground Beyond Compare. We are really excited with the young potential stud, his fleece is perfect in every way he really has taken traits from both parents and is possessing a fleece to die for, you really have to see this fleece to believe it.

We will be getting a sample of fleece sent away and will keep you posted of the results, I will try and get some pictures of his fleece but as we all know getting those pictures to come out is a challenge in it's self.
Talking of fleeces we have just received our bags from the Natural Fibre Company, so we will be sending off our next batch of fleeces for processing and our knitter is keen to get cracking on some fantastic designs we have.
The website is about to undergo some major changes and become a more user friendly and funky site with various extras, so keep an eye out for the news of this when completed.
Well that's all for tonight, but watch this space for more news from the WillowBank Alpaca Crew.