Tuesday, 9 August 2011

More Births And Pictures

Hi All

Well I was going to blog last night as I had previously mentioned in my last blog one thing led to another and before I knew it, it was time for bed. So without delay here is the blog that we are trying to catch up on.

So here we have WillowBank Unknown!

WillowBank Unknown is not it's real name if you hadn't already guessed it, we are undecided what to call this fella so unknown is his nickname. I'm not going to go to much into the genetics tonight as I gave you your fill of genetics in the last blog, so pictures today and more genetics another day.

Next up WillowBank Scooby a Light Fawn Male

WillowBank Scooby has a fantastic presence in the herd already, he is not camera shy either as he stands here proud as punch watching for the birdie on the camera.

Following on we had another birth yesterday of another female cria, unfortunately we have not got any pictures of her yet so her picture will come soon, so for now a quick look back over the last few weeks and pictures of the cria's born.

Well that's all for tonight back again soon.

1 comment:

  1. What lovely babies.....great photos..and great to have you back on the blog !......Jayne
