Hi All,
Well what fantastic weather.......all though I do feel for the Alpacas still having the fleeces on. We are due to have our Alpacas shorn on the 2nd June, so in the meantime we are making sure they have plenty of water and shade should they require it.
So much has been happening here at WillowBank Alpacas, we have been in undated with people enquiring about the "Lamas" and asking questions, Once have informed them that they are Alpacas they are thrilled at what we are doing and have all wished us every success with our business, we are constantly being told that its such a delight to see something different in the village.
I have some pictures of our Alpacas and Lily with the new foal but with using the dongle it seems to be taking for ever to upload the images, so no pictures for now but I am coming up with a plan to sort this out.
We are being connected to BT on the 28th of this months so this is only a temporary hitch with communication.
We have had some interest already in Alpaca sales which is a good start for us, but until this turns into money exchanging you can never say for sure. So we will keep you updated on this progress.
Well that's all for now. enjoy the sunshine.......
New PB at Castle Combe 27.10.17
7 years ago
Good luck with the sales. Looking forward to the photos soon!