Saturday, 18 December 2010

Back To The Blog

Hi Folks,

Well we are back to the's taken us long enough as we have just been so busy getting ready for Christmas, with one thing and another the blog had to take a back seat for a short while.

We have more snow and frozen pipes but our spirits are high and we wouldn't change what we are doing for anything in the world. I came in the office earlier to update the blog and found the cat relaxing on the desk, rather than risking being attacked by the cat for disturbing its precious sleeping program, I decided to wait till later.

The snow is certainly challenging us, but we still have nothing compared to others so we can't complain to much. The alpacas are coping well, but they soon let you know when they want to come in, as they all stand at the gate just hoping to catch your attention, so that you will let them in the barn to there nice snug bed.

We are bringing the alpacas in now every night and to be honest we have been for some time now. I know they survive in there native countries out in the cold, but being cold and wet is not something that they are use to, so rather than risking any problems we bring them in, the alpacas seem to appreciate it anyway.

Our egg sales have gone through the roof, with demand being for more than we can provide, so we have now invested in more chickens to keep up with demand, Thank you to all of you that have brought from us, I know some of you read this blog.

As an addition to our laying chickens, we have also purchased a breeding pair of " Lemon Sablepoot Bantam" chickens. More on these little chickens later.

Well we hope you are all coping with the weather that we are being dealt, just remember, the nights start to draw out soon and summer will soon be here, with little cria being born all over the place.

Take care all, back soon.

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