Tuesday, 15 December 2009

We Have Moved House

Hi All,

We have great news at last, we have now moved out of our house and into our rented accommodation in time for Christmas, Lisa put the tree up Sunday night whilst Lily was in bed, Lily was amazed the following morning to see the tree all decorated in the living room.

Since we moved into the new house Lily has been very excited and is charging around all over the place, it must be something to do with the fact that both myself and Lisa are a little more relaxed now, with the house sale finally gone through, Lily must have picked up on that. Its amazing how much kids pick up on different situations.

We are on limited access to the Internet and emails, as it takes awhile to transfer things over, so I can only access through my works computer at the mo.

I feel its going to be a relaxing Christmas and New Year for us as a family, which will allow us to re-charge our batteries before we start our new journey in 2010.

That's all for now, keep warm

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your move, now have a relaxing Christmas. Enjoy!

    Rob n Les
