Sunday, 13 January 2013

On Snow Watch

Hi All,

Happy New Year, although a little late in wishing it. We hope you all have a successful year and look forwards to seeing those of you that show fleeces at the shows this year, we have really enjoyed the fleece shows that we attended last year and hope to be entering again this year. We don't attend halter shows, a choice made by ourselves as we have a chosen to protect our herd and reduce the risk of any possible infections being passes from animal to animal, plus travelling for hours and causing unnecessary stress, to us just doesn't seem worth it, this is of course only our opinion.

We have been blessed this year with a couple of nice sunny days, albeit a little chilly, just having the sun out reminds us of the summer and new cria on the grounds and good times ahead, it's amazing what difference on your mind the sun coming out can make. Now saying about the sun, as most of the UK is due for some snow according the weather forecasters, we are all set, the alpacas are all tucked up in the barns and we have plenty of straw to keep the warm and dry. So bring it on, we'll not to much as I still have got to try and get to work and with a 60 mile trip each way, will start to become a bit of a challenge.

We'll that's it for tonight, take care in the snow!